something to remember and would like to tell you that I do not know but I read probably because you have nothing better to do than waste time, like me.
this happened today Wednesday March 16 at my school, I was talking with my friends, hot even for a bad time to take me to a girl of those who are not prostitutes but anyway are just ignorant, and she was beside me in another group esque ami me like being alone because I get used to it, what more deceo is death and hell because I find that I'm looking too tired to hacerlo.esa girl and I had made a bad impression and then comiensa bother then we stick him in jest that so for me it is nothing if not fuck of her friends and her silly girl humiliating Reverse front of their friends then I said that I hit''not because after you get to mourn''(which is what good is the stupid people like me) then tell her that I pege and says no because he embarrassed, then I figured giving what you ask for both the face with fists bursting pelao, but morality can beat me then I drop a big impotence has been resenting the years, my family, schools, the street that thing that is more pure than the above. then cry cry of anger at being unable to do anything because if I was gonna go hit ugly, because I have no where to fall in addition to my house that I like but for now I'm content, I think shit constantly and immediately remembered my andansas with this child as Paul and I almost do offender pushed by all the people who trash me long before conoserlo, criminals and they told me how I came to think of it as a chance to escape my reality and current situation, where year after year have been lowered to the slightest degree to the LADY that my mother,''''holy god that's worse than that of the book that they were invented in the absence of sincere people invented an all-knowing and all seeing, what forgives and heals, I remember many times when my mother called me last offender was even 2 weeks ago, at the beginning each time said it was like a stab in my weak little heart that is tired of all this is what it is, that I just want to stop hating, imagining, dreaming, wish to destroy, revenge. good as I said I was and that powerlessness I get my friend spoke to me mourn that it was sad and no, it was sad man! I was angry! mad! hot as says! (Hot is when you are angry and can not permanently remove that thought until you miss a day or two)
wanted to hit the bitch that pa to see what their words and the girl whores Cuchichi side with her mocking me in my face like I could not do anything I got all my guys pa in and has started trying to talk to climb the mood thing I've seen before but never like them, solemnly believing pure could help and wanting what is needed because most people are hypocritical, then fuimoa a ride when it happened a while but it was warm inside devil! wanting to do all kinds of situations donde ella sufriera, por un momento pense en mandarlo todo al carajo y matarla clavandole un lapis en el cuello para luego escupir en su cara y sacarlo y ponerlo, sacarlo y ponerlo,asi sucesivamente. porque lo que mas tengo en mi corazon es odio, repudio hacia todo lo que me hace daño , de cualquier forma, cuando ya crei estar mas presentable me volvi a la sala lleno de palabreria de lo que creo son amigos que no tengo hace mucho unos como ellos , pero seguia el remordimiento y cuando me sente no pude estar en paz por dentro me quemaba un fuego , mi pecho tenia un huecho inmenzo y mis ojos estaban cansados de tanto odiar , entonces por un lado aparece un muchachito , compañero mio que reconocen como flaite mis amigos, flaite los hijoeputa que conosi en el cervantes fag liceo! that is left crushed by the students and no discipline where both psychologically and physically abused me take it out on the same right they hisieron me harm, but thinking good to talk to a school is not entirely sane as they say, is good me about the boy by the hand and tells me maricon, I secretly dream that men, because I think little girls do not find what you seek, EPAA porsi than women if you did not the time to analyze the above say little girls of my age pendejas women talking trash but to desert point if I did not let me touch any of them but I do porque.cuando nose tells me this child and I'm queer is to remember the year in which they made mockery preservatives me and me without provocation, all we know is that it was considered choro? to wonder, because it was quiet and do not tell that bad just because they were not even criminals, but boys disfrasado and delivered to the violensia, sex, alcohol and drugs, believing that their future existe.temiendo not repeat that image because after that came the avalanche of insults and degradations was everywhere Creio conosido a''jet''and then went out of my room because it scared me, the impectores? teachers? the hell if putadas shouted as loud and did nothing but complain never punished, that school is for students, not teachers or impectores because they do not make the rules.
the person you hate is my mom brought me to this world, pa 'I live but I can not even live on my own but that it mandates, the if I could I can not hear his voice because it gives me a headache is like a crow I want to shut down for good and not feel it coming more. esque get home just so I chord.
when I said the issue back maricon fearing a repeat of what I thought a moment that he walked away and then I go to heck that is what I like proque maybe take someone with that hate and destroy my life, which does not rather than to make up, but as I have positive proof not pass the bastard hate to start the action as I do because I'm bored. and that's how it hit the boy that which is very good at other people because then you golpera alienated deque came over to me the player of friends but I still continue to stick it nomas, got a tall and others stopped camoteo, sucrose nde me room and I asked why all that which was the problem? Is''I'm angry, of life, I want to go the colegio''-permanent thing I think whenever I get, I'm going or I'm at. because what they have taught me not want what I want is death pick me up soon, which does not happen, then bring my teacher made another boy and asks for the lawsuit and says he does not know I had said back to that, I had said maricon he says it was not another guy who had told him and I stupid if that I am, I was mowing my past, Porua in all schools have treated me badly aye ecepcion of application where a course was accepted as me, or rather had to accept, then I apologize because I All I want is to die but that boy is not guilty of anything bad happening to me haci that did not deserve that outburst that taxes directed to another person who was and remains hijaeputa because I got to know and does not prove worth a drive.
then came back and all but because debian habalban scavengers after the stunt to send me, the good thing was that the boy knew that and I do not understand Judging from bad as you would a flaite what they believe are those who accompany me in this room , pa me that never to see someone pointing in the face or fuck up in life.

and then I went back to my anger at my chest that had pierced the resentment even though the explosion of anger, because the girl was still alive and will live until you die or kill (hopefully).
good and I leave you to think about what I do as something that's bad because no one should imponenle kill someone like death unless you are prompted as I have done with friends sercanos but fuck and take it to when I say''no seriously, I want you to kill me, you really like but haslo, porfavor''-''jaja''laughs and I do not take into account is still talking trash ...
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