I think sometimes people are not as ignorant as I think and I mean the educated people of the world, presidents, businessmen even richer sometimes shows his awkwardness and contradicts the image of example that gives people mistakenly believing it is not perfect like the rest of us normal people fairly normal because we do not have if not the pure name.
sometimes I think that and I say sometimes because after a while again talking nonsense as I do that I have nothing else to do, because what I say boring other people when it comes to politics, religion, society, law , rights But if that entertains carrion gross things can talk for hours without getting bored soccer you do not understand, for me it is nice when you play football with friends one for the hell wants to see a people not known TV people representing your country and yet most are out whenever he can? I do not understand but hey so is the world and always will because so far I see no intent to change. another stupid thing I find is that people who believe in the revolution of which they had no participation whatsoever, these people are a little older than me, because I say old, not an adult? or large? or anything else because for me it's not mature exciste the maturity is not more than a standard created by man, that if one does not meet the parameters deserts and centencian Judging from and how they judge? based on these STANDARDS and as sentencing? like me my world sentence also isolated, rejected, stigmatized and highlighting my shortcomings exist they created each time pueden.Pero these people is what I would call asshole because they carried away with stereotypes and as I said in another letter hidden in views that are not yours and therefore it is believed the death, not to conose or never seen, such as we have many, many, where to choose a host, but even in these young people accompanying me, guys my age who do not think much and if you forget to think the time or want to forget what they thought, so I think they think because if they are capacez to learn because silent? but who am I to get into the minds of others, hardly what I think and I understand what others think
going to another topic I was in religion class and ask for religious concept that Porga me to say''Templar! Holy Inquisition! Legacy of the Pope! Warrior Saints!''to tell me something the teacher does not fish much but the girl that if one side was boring because I'm not trust those people because life has treated so badly that he lost hope and todabia did not get it, of those people who never felt love for his mother but not even like lightning then appear and go so fast that neither could feel but you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was or think it was as I never remember I have felt.
I was throwing the girl talk and acknowledged that they eat some of my concept''and so to wonder where you learned your''no eso''-grabbing''the gil is looking to the side because they never interogasiones have liked me, because as a child my mom and increasingly questioned as I do not do anything without them knowing because I questioned the toad and if one remains silent -''Off with his head!''as he says sometimes joke, this is getting good well girl I fell bad but not take him dearly as I do with my friends a love quotes, this girl has started questioning me and I say because I am sincerely campaign (do not ask why) I answer and see who knows something very little about it but just Templars and also he is half vegetarian, I'm thinking very closed, with the Koreans learned that one should never leave anything half done, I mean it is black and white or if not better than is nothing

well I
I was in theme and topic, and forget the beginning, as it is too late for me that I have trouble sleeping until I leave here and tell you tomorrow''''as the film says that shit.
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