Open Giant and Kids Santa Perpetua de Mogoda Cup, 27 March
the Biciats Once again we can be proud of our club. Last Sunday we had the representation of our youth and children's runners who gave the maximum of himself to finish the race with merit. Among them
podiums for. Juanjo
Rosal (1 º Beginner 2 nd year)
Magda Duran (1 st Child Femina 1st year)
Cardedeu Godoy Ruben Cardona (3 º Child male 1st year)
followed by their peers ......
Aaron Cardona (9 º Fry 1st year)
Marti Martin (DNF) due to a breakdown in the race. Pau
Pericas (12 º Juniors 1st year)
Joan Antoni Asensio (1 st Veteran 40) Godoy Cardedeu
Congratulations to all our runners!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Best Business Answer Machine Messages
Be aware please, not a standard bike, is mounted pieces and stands over the bill, any information would be appreciated. Thanks
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Lotion On Frostbit Cheeks
stolen Sunday March 27 Mondraker Foxy
I think it's time to go make interesting departures last week struck a loose and so this touches something longer and with more trails, hikes to keep a long time will make for clues mostly, and not get bored, the trails are reserved for the descents.
Here all the information, 50 km and 1300 m of accumulated positive difference to go from Cardedeu to Vallromanes, where we can take something and come back!
I think it's time to go make interesting departures last week struck a loose and so this touches something longer and with more trails, hikes to keep a long time will make for clues mostly, and not get bored, the trails are reserved for the descents.
Here all the information, 50 km and 1300 m of accumulated positive difference to go from Cardedeu to Vallromanes, where we can take something and come back!
Holi Festival Invitation Letter
Girona Children Open - Sunday 27 March Bescanó
sentimental communicate l'Annulment of the circuit prova Propera Children Open Cycling Gironí corresponent to diumenge, 27 març a Bescanó.
organitzador The direction of the club, CCSport Ter to last minute personal problems, he regrets not being able to conduct the event successfully and prefers to cancel the race. .
from the organizing committee of the Childhood Open decició this respect and understanding to ask all clubs and riders.
The rest of the schedule remains quite normal and we'll find in Fornells on Saturday, April 2.
Open Organizing Committee Girona Cycling.
organitzador The direction of the club, CCSport Ter to last minute personal problems, he regrets not being able to conduct the event successfully and prefers to cancel the race. .
from the organizing committee of the Childhood Open decició this respect and understanding to ask all clubs and riders.
The rest of the schedule remains quite normal and we'll find in Fornells on Saturday, April 2.
Open Organizing Committee Girona Cycling.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Pain Under Back Shoulder Blade
My General! was not a dictator?
Rebundando the same thing I remembered from our general! Pinochet that castor that got away, but found him and brought him back, I remembered the other day we were in history class doing a timeline featuring characters from Chile, and brought a friend the picture of him among others to do the job, I was chatting while doing it''was not a dictator Pinochet''that's what I said, I said put me a little serious, because until then was mocked by saying that I do not catch my general and reference crude phrases, and I say''but it was a dictator,''tells me that what happens is that people see him as a dictator and he explains the case of his family that his father was at that time I was a soldier military said the cannon fodder''lower than what is in the military, which does not respect anyone hueones''my father was one of those, he said and what happened was that people did not respect the curfew at home because nothing ever happened, because they respected the curfew, and I caye because every time I tried to explain that he was not talking about a dictator and the same but with different sentences, so I can not answer, I do not care because the old man that is dead and buried, or that now going to leave me So appeared alive? I'm not surprised if a group appeared to be devoted to talking he is still alive as they do with Elvis or Michael Jackson, I write to you that I think not censor me with his interruption like this, which I esteem much CONSCIOUS do not hate him or anything peers, my friend, but let me finish and therefore decided to reserve the useless verbiage, useless because it does not matter what I was gonna say is that curfews are spent hanging around in vans the police, usually in towns where there were the''revolutionary''who were opposed to his government and went out to scratch walls. not that social class would be his father's hope that good so you avoid the suffering that we have to put people away, and that usually gets lost in between the middle of it, as ive said and walked into the station for protests, silent people with bullets, has seen the documentary that the time of the dictatorship which show people running around, running scared, desperate, powerless, has seen this documentary? no? there are so strongly recommend people shown in video choking from the smoke that spread''skunk'', where a ball comes to a woman who ran the soldier then goes and puts the limp body to the side and a rifle this is recorded and documents, no fiction, dreams that drown people who want to escape their reality, and I keep saying it is not a dictator? you think that the command was not President General? your general! Gen. Chile! the bastard who sleeps happy as a worm that eats the civilization of Guzan to be installed, another fact did you know that the police had no military grade because they were not''real''but after a while the government demanded Time that gave degrees to have power between them, that is rubbish as they do, they get screwed in the head, I had a friend of a former student who had pre-military watering a garden with a tea bag and that took 2 full days, also beat him lumazos and other things that are not said out of respect for him.
Rebundando the same thing I remembered from our general! Pinochet that castor that got away, but found him and brought him back, I remembered the other day we were in history class doing a timeline featuring characters from Chile, and brought a friend the picture of him among others to do the job, I was chatting while doing it''was not a dictator Pinochet''that's what I said, I said put me a little serious, because until then was mocked by saying that I do not catch my general and reference crude phrases, and I say''but it was a dictator,''tells me that what happens is that people see him as a dictator and he explains the case of his family that his father was at that time I was a soldier military said the cannon fodder''lower than what is in the military, which does not respect anyone hueones''my father was one of those, he said and what happened was that people did not respect the curfew at home because nothing ever happened, because they respected the curfew, and I caye because every time I tried to explain that he was not talking about a dictator and the same but with different sentences, so I can not answer, I do not care because the old man that is dead and buried, or that now going to leave me So appeared alive? I'm not surprised if a group appeared to be devoted to talking he is still alive as they do with Elvis or Michael Jackson, I write to you that I think not censor me with his interruption like this, which I esteem much CONSCIOUS do not hate him or anything peers, my friend, but let me finish and therefore decided to reserve the useless verbiage, useless because it does not matter what I was gonna say is that curfews are spent hanging around in vans the police, usually in towns where there were the''revolutionary''who were opposed to his government and went out to scratch walls. not that social class would be his father's hope that good so you avoid the suffering that we have to put people away, and that usually gets lost in between the middle of it, as ive said and walked into the station for protests, silent people with bullets, has seen the documentary that the time of the dictatorship which show people running around, running scared, desperate, powerless, has seen this documentary? no? there are so strongly recommend people shown in video choking from the smoke that spread''skunk'', where a ball comes to a woman who ran the soldier then goes and puts the limp body to the side and a rifle this is recorded and documents, no fiction, dreams that drown people who want to escape their reality, and I keep saying it is not a dictator? you think that the command was not President General? your general! Gen. Chile! the bastard who sleeps happy as a worm that eats the civilization of Guzan to be installed, another fact did you know that the police had no military grade because they were not''real''but after a while the government demanded Time that gave degrees to have power between them, that is rubbish as they do, they get screwed in the head, I had a friend of a former student who had pre-military watering a garden with a tea bag and that took 2 full days, also beat him lumazos and other things that are not said out of respect for him.
Why Women Like Strangling
and I saw that our president could not miss the oporunidad to do business during their gobieno I had read that in January or February that it planned to implement treaties for nuclear enegia Chile I did not know anything about the idea because ivan put beyond the north there are fewer people taking advantage of this type that would draw so much land that had no bearing as south, porsi had not noticed the news said that reopens the debate''''for people who thought they came out of nowhere right now the idea, no! was something that came from long ago, I think this is going to sell as much as possible and ridiculizarno more than they already are, we will no longer be conoser by bandits,''the mischief that has the Chilean''as coco legrand said the comedian, that mischief or eight rooms is ignorance, ordinary, not so cunning is to lift the chest alone each thinking that it is shit, I do not know what else we will be hiding and I imagine it was a few weeks ago the news that jusi underwent a Mapuche group leaders with and who had dropped two who were not, but when ivan to pass the note is that the court and say sorry because he dificltades techniques,''lol''I laughed then, and still not end the conflict that if I end rapanui right or wrong, because I had understood that the president told them taxes to build hospitals, schools and other edifisios who had no or ivan to improve, then I spide scripts and these rely on the van and pass them as if then anything is that our bastard president sell these properties for entrepreneurs to build what they liked it but I had understood that if I'm bored waiting santiago all will be a car to kill me or take me desquisiado in anger, hit me and break my head with his fists (which is difficult, but possible). Sabian rapanui that had only a prison? and in that prison does not fall like those of Chile criminals but they put them in when they are drunk or hit the Espoz or things like that the woman if she is serious but not as bad as what we have here, murder of minor drug trafficking, assault, armed robbery, car homisido, quasi murder balasera, I have here a moment that I remembered we were me and some friends in 1 year conosi half and played the ball to kill time on a Saturday and was talking at the sound of the shooting seven blocks Avajan''said my friend at the fair? " '-''no,''but about the bullets and we stopped playing alone. I hoiden anymore bullets by day or in the regiment which is near my house alone at night, when I remembered mas.jajaja quarrel about toddlers who assaulted a pair of scissors that grandparents with stupidity, I guess I think the grandparents as they say''that shit?, and assured me that came to buy bread.''
now do not know if the guy is or is I think that is the only idiot to believe it a clown, looking to split stones by countries in the world I would do that if I pay and most likely would give me slack and ended when the gana.Pero I see something totally different when it comes negosios, iso treatment with Japanese who knows where finished, because I do not know what it is, only help him to Japan, and the project that I avoid the rise I think the idea was theirs. Given the fact
have frei worst such that after all that iso estupideses thought would elect? alomejor thrown in the next pa lakes elecciones.Sabia you who took most of the bonds approved of the former President bachelet.y nobody says nothing, the recently convened a national march and nothing happened, nothing visible. if you step because I saw all the same that day, and came ivan cars, like the buses, people, students, teachers, if you ask them if you do not like clear''I do not like!''''then do something ' '-''was convened to votacion''-''y ?''-'' the vote is a little strange''the intention esque never shows it is his but that depends on the decicion leaves lead as most here do not know or what you know you forget or ignore, nothing happens! so your hands up and empty their pockets the money we get along us!.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Pyramidal Syndrom Treatment
Relationship problems?
I'm bored! haburridisimo! Today Comense learn to play guitar and piano thing that is nice because I have something to kill time when you have nothing more hacerlo.Pero that's not why I write now, but by a goat (female) in school I got to know the which had just finished with her boyfriend
, and went to look at high school for this? where I have to do all this because I get me and I do not like helping anyone? esque good one of my friends like that but the girl has not told but I think it must have some idea. esque thing this man appeared pituco those who dress like poor people even if they are silver and hanging out with the choreza those guys who must be exterminated because they poison the rest of the boys healthy, did not quite understand because both arm problem now with these young girls that are delivered in love, get pregnant and are pregnant and then realize they got screwed because the child's life so that pa, pa father fucking life because you live their children live, live so that when they have theirs also live by them and so is repeated until someone kill us all.
the boy that I started to tell a lot of things in a rinconsito, crying as she abandoned child of God, the problem of them saying shit I stopped by my friend ahy pa accompany him he was undecided, do not know what to do because he likes the girl that but can not get ahy obiamente the end Conclude JOINING talking and us that we expected a ladito, then follow it and we look into the eyes''look both angry,''said the bastard that doll, cute, faceless, empty, angry in the heart in his eyes, poisoned pituco that, and I looking for my friend tells me''let alone speak not mess''-''that, that I get?''if I have to do with it but the insult him up if he is directing to me that assholes in this world that one does not know if the insult is for one or pal which is next to the teen slut was insulting to all of us? ubiera been sure if he was crushed but again after what happened yesterday not sure? was pa jodieran me after the reputation, aha! but cai! nome let go! I'm not stupid, just what intend for people to meet me no good, then this screams and throws a bag that were the gifts that the girl was wearing that, but whoa! that were not bought any gift you were all the letters, stuffed animals and other things that gave him the girl for the Fiancee, who is not here but fuck Fiancee and go out once in a while pretending to love, then pass the time and that the guy was but after a while came back and then left again and so until porfin spoke as 30 hours and it was definitely because I saw no more, my friend, the lover he left because he was quiet all the time and did not know to do, my friend carlos another of the same group was waiting to start the brawl probocacion pa because he says that's not being done to women, in which I agree but also think''if the guy is no ahy, so that the child cries? if the type of laughter that shit somewhere else''besides that it be added that the confessor that ended with him and not the other way because he had
nose caught in it awhile ago and I forgive him. and after that had another problem until this date to Conclude a week ago, but I'm calling because I wanted to finish mal.que paradox? now I have to jeans day tomorrow so that coleguio street clothes, just in case my friend puñetasos wants to enter because it has nothing to come to intimidate or amolestar the girl that I love is that anyway but still like a child and that an asshole but man. men are hobligados been doing good for some reason and moral education that is different from that received by women to hell I'm going to sleep.
I'm bored! haburridisimo! Today Comense learn to play guitar and piano thing that is nice because I have something to kill time when you have nothing more hacerlo.Pero that's not why I write now, but by a goat (female) in school I got to know the which had just finished with her boyfriend
, and went to look at high school for this? where I have to do all this because I get me and I do not like helping anyone? esque good one of my friends like that but the girl has not told but I think it must have some idea. esque thing this man appeared pituco those who dress like poor people even if they are silver and hanging out with the choreza those guys who must be exterminated because they poison the rest of the boys healthy, did not quite understand because both arm problem now with these young girls that are delivered in love, get pregnant and are pregnant and then realize they got screwed because the child's life so that pa, pa father fucking life because you live their children live, live so that when they have theirs also live by them and so is repeated until someone kill us all.
the boy that I started to tell a lot of things in a rinconsito, crying as she abandoned child of God, the problem of them saying shit I stopped by my friend ahy pa accompany him he was undecided, do not know what to do because he likes the girl that but can not get ahy obiamente the end Conclude JOINING talking and us that we expected a ladito, then follow it and we look into the eyes''look both angry,''said the bastard that doll, cute, faceless, empty, angry in the heart in his eyes, poisoned pituco that, and I looking for my friend tells me''let alone speak not mess''-''that, that I get?''if I have to do with it but the insult him up if he is directing to me that assholes in this world that one does not know if the insult is for one or pal which is next to the teen slut was insulting to all of us? ubiera been sure if he was crushed but again after what happened yesterday not sure? was pa jodieran me after the reputation, aha! but cai! nome let go! I'm not stupid, just what intend for people to meet me no good, then this screams and throws a bag that were the gifts that the girl was wearing that, but whoa! that were not bought any gift you were all the letters, stuffed animals and other things that gave him the girl for the Fiancee, who is not here but fuck Fiancee and go out once in a while pretending to love, then pass the time and that the guy was but after a while came back and then left again and so until porfin spoke as 30 hours and it was definitely because I saw no more, my friend, the lover he left because he was quiet all the time and did not know to do, my friend carlos another of the same group was waiting to start the brawl probocacion pa because he says that's not being done to women, in which I agree but also think''if the guy is no ahy, so that the child cries? if the type of laughter that shit somewhere else''besides that it be added that the confessor that ended with him and not the other way because he had
nose caught in it awhile ago and I forgive him. and after that had another problem until this date to Conclude a week ago, but I'm calling because I wanted to finish mal.que paradox? now I have to jeans day tomorrow so that coleguio street clothes, just in case my friend puñetasos wants to enter because it has nothing to come to intimidate or amolestar the girl that I love is that anyway but still like a child and that an asshole but man. men are hobligados been doing good for some reason and moral education that is different from that received by women to hell I'm going to sleep.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Leapers 4x40 Scope Review
I think I've exceeded
something to remember and would like to tell you that I do not know but I read probably because you have nothing better to do than waste time, like me.
this happened today Wednesday March 16 at my school, I was talking with my friends, hot even for a bad time to take me to a girl of those who are not prostitutes but anyway are just ignorant, and she was beside me in another group esque ami me like being alone because I get used to it, what more deceo is death and hell because I find that I'm looking too tired to hacerlo.esa girl and I had made a bad impression and then comiensa bother then we stick him in jest that so for me it is nothing if not fuck of her friends and her silly girl humiliating Reverse front of their friends then I said that I hit''not because after you get to mourn''(which is what good is the stupid people like me) then tell her that I pege and says no because he embarrassed, then I figured giving what you ask for both the face with fists bursting pelao, but morality can beat me then I drop a big impotence has been resenting the years, my family, schools, the street that thing that is more pure than the above. then cry cry of anger at being unable to do anything because if I was gonna go hit ugly, because I have no where to fall in addition to my house that I like but for now I'm content, I think shit constantly and immediately remembered my andansas with this child as Paul and I almost do offender pushed by all the people who trash me long before conoserlo, criminals and they told me how I came to think of it as a chance to escape my reality and current situation, where year after year have been lowered to the slightest degree to the LADY that my mother,''''holy god that's worse than that of the book that they were invented in the absence of sincere people invented an all-knowing and all seeing, what forgives and heals, I remember many times when my mother called me last offender was even 2 weeks ago, at the beginning each time said it was like a stab in my weak little heart that is tired of all this is what it is, that I just want to stop hating, imagining, dreaming, wish to destroy, revenge. good as I said I was and that powerlessness I get my friend spoke to me mourn that it was sad and no, it was sad man! I was angry! mad! hot as says! (Hot is when you are angry and can not permanently remove that thought until you miss a day or two)
wanted to hit the bitch that pa to see what their words and the girl whores Cuchichi side with her mocking me in my face like I could not do anything I got all my guys pa in and has started trying to talk to climb the mood thing I've seen before but never like them, solemnly believing pure could help and wanting what is needed because most people are hypocritical, then fuimoa a ride when it happened a while but it was warm inside devil! wanting to do all kinds of situations donde ella sufriera, por un momento pense en mandarlo todo al carajo y matarla clavandole un lapis en el cuello para luego escupir en su cara y sacarlo y ponerlo, sacarlo y ponerlo,asi sucesivamente. porque lo que mas tengo en mi corazon es odio, repudio hacia todo lo que me hace daño , de cualquier forma, cuando ya crei estar mas presentable me volvi a la sala lleno de palabreria de lo que creo son amigos que no tengo hace mucho unos como ellos , pero seguia el remordimiento y cuando me sente no pude estar en paz por dentro me quemaba un fuego , mi pecho tenia un huecho inmenzo y mis ojos estaban cansados de tanto odiar , entonces por un lado aparece un muchachito , compañero mio que reconocen como flaite mis amigos, flaite los hijoeputa que conosi en el cervantes fag liceo! that is left crushed by the students and no discipline where both psychologically and physically abused me take it out on the same right they hisieron me harm, but thinking good to talk to a school is not entirely sane as they say, is good me about the boy by the hand and tells me maricon, I secretly dream that men, because I think little girls do not find what you seek, EPAA porsi than women if you did not the time to analyze the above say little girls of my age pendejas women talking trash but to desert point if I did not let me touch any of them but I do porque.cuando nose tells me this child and I'm queer is to remember the year in which they made mockery preservatives me and me without provocation, all we know is that it was considered choro? to wonder, because it was quiet and do not tell that bad just because they were not even criminals, but boys disfrasado and delivered to the violensia, sex, alcohol and drugs, believing that their future existe.temiendo not repeat that image because after that came the avalanche of insults and degradations was everywhere Creio conosido a''jet''and then went out of my room because it scared me, the impectores? teachers? the hell if putadas shouted as loud and did nothing but complain never punished, that school is for students, not teachers or impectores because they do not make the rules.
the person you hate is my mom brought me to this world, pa 'I live but I can not even live on my own but that it mandates, the if I could I can not hear his voice because it gives me a headache is like a crow I want to shut down for good and not feel it coming more. esque get home just so I chord.
when I said the issue back maricon fearing a repeat of what I thought a moment that he walked away and then I go to heck that is what I like proque maybe take someone with that hate and destroy my life, which does not rather than to make up, but as I have positive proof not pass the bastard hate to start the action as I do because I'm bored. and that's how it hit the boy that which is very good at other people because then you golpera alienated deque came over to me the player of friends but I still continue to stick it nomas, got a tall and others stopped camoteo, sucrose nde me room and I asked why all that which was the problem? Is''I'm angry, of life, I want to go the colegio''-permanent thing I think whenever I get, I'm going or I'm at. because what they have taught me not want what I want is death pick me up soon, which does not happen, then bring my teacher made another boy and asks for the lawsuit and says he does not know I had said back to that, I had said maricon he says it was not another guy who had told him and I stupid if that I am, I was mowing my past, Porua in all schools have treated me badly aye ecepcion of application where a course was accepted as me, or rather had to accept, then I apologize because I All I want is to die but that boy is not guilty of anything bad happening to me haci that did not deserve that outburst that taxes directed to another person who was and remains hijaeputa because I got to know and does not prove worth a drive.
then came back and all but because debian habalban scavengers after the stunt to send me, the good thing was that the boy knew that and I do not understand Judging from bad as you would a flaite what they believe are those who accompany me in this room , pa me that never to see someone pointing in the face or fuck up in life.
when I pass the time these boys approached me to talk to me, asking all the time''because you hit her?''Which tells you that I talk to him and apologized, which is what I do not know people do that is justified by pequeñeses, like going to carry the shoulder, but when important things happen, mistakes they learn to deny it and nobody can make him change his opinion, but who cares each with their problems, if someone resolved would never end because after a while appear with a new one chance so do not give advice that gives importance if but do not try to correct them because you're not able to you I say that is little but. not like other people who think they know only.
and then I went back to my anger at my chest that had pierced the resentment even though the explosion of anger, because the girl was still alive and will live until you die or kill (hopefully).
good and I leave you to think about what I do as something that's bad because no one should imponenle kill someone like death unless you are prompted as I have done with friends sercanos but fuck and take it to when I say''no seriously, I want you to kill me, you really like but haslo, porfavor''-''jaja''laughs and I do not take into account is still talking trash ...
something to remember and would like to tell you that I do not know but I read probably because you have nothing better to do than waste time, like me.
this happened today Wednesday March 16 at my school, I was talking with my friends, hot even for a bad time to take me to a girl of those who are not prostitutes but anyway are just ignorant, and she was beside me in another group esque ami me like being alone because I get used to it, what more deceo is death and hell because I find that I'm looking too tired to hacerlo.esa girl and I had made a bad impression and then comiensa bother then we stick him in jest that so for me it is nothing if not fuck of her friends and her silly girl humiliating Reverse front of their friends then I said that I hit''not because after you get to mourn''(which is what good is the stupid people like me) then tell her that I pege and says no because he embarrassed, then I figured giving what you ask for both the face with fists bursting pelao, but morality can beat me then I drop a big impotence has been resenting the years, my family, schools, the street that thing that is more pure than the above. then cry cry of anger at being unable to do anything because if I was gonna go hit ugly, because I have no where to fall in addition to my house that I like but for now I'm content, I think shit constantly and immediately remembered my andansas with this child as Paul and I almost do offender pushed by all the people who trash me long before conoserlo, criminals and they told me how I came to think of it as a chance to escape my reality and current situation, where year after year have been lowered to the slightest degree to the LADY that my mother,''''holy god that's worse than that of the book that they were invented in the absence of sincere people invented an all-knowing and all seeing, what forgives and heals, I remember many times when my mother called me last offender was even 2 weeks ago, at the beginning each time said it was like a stab in my weak little heart that is tired of all this is what it is, that I just want to stop hating, imagining, dreaming, wish to destroy, revenge. good as I said I was and that powerlessness I get my friend spoke to me mourn that it was sad and no, it was sad man! I was angry! mad! hot as says! (Hot is when you are angry and can not permanently remove that thought until you miss a day or two)
wanted to hit the bitch that pa to see what their words and the girl whores Cuchichi side with her mocking me in my face like I could not do anything I got all my guys pa in and has started trying to talk to climb the mood thing I've seen before but never like them, solemnly believing pure could help and wanting what is needed because most people are hypocritical, then fuimoa a ride when it happened a while but it was warm inside devil! wanting to do all kinds of situations donde ella sufriera, por un momento pense en mandarlo todo al carajo y matarla clavandole un lapis en el cuello para luego escupir en su cara y sacarlo y ponerlo, sacarlo y ponerlo,asi sucesivamente. porque lo que mas tengo en mi corazon es odio, repudio hacia todo lo que me hace daño , de cualquier forma, cuando ya crei estar mas presentable me volvi a la sala lleno de palabreria de lo que creo son amigos que no tengo hace mucho unos como ellos , pero seguia el remordimiento y cuando me sente no pude estar en paz por dentro me quemaba un fuego , mi pecho tenia un huecho inmenzo y mis ojos estaban cansados de tanto odiar , entonces por un lado aparece un muchachito , compañero mio que reconocen como flaite mis amigos, flaite los hijoeputa que conosi en el cervantes fag liceo! that is left crushed by the students and no discipline where both psychologically and physically abused me take it out on the same right they hisieron me harm, but thinking good to talk to a school is not entirely sane as they say, is good me about the boy by the hand and tells me maricon, I secretly dream that men, because I think little girls do not find what you seek, EPAA porsi than women if you did not the time to analyze the above say little girls of my age pendejas women talking trash but to desert point if I did not let me touch any of them but I do porque.cuando nose tells me this child and I'm queer is to remember the year in which they made mockery preservatives me and me without provocation, all we know is that it was considered choro? to wonder, because it was quiet and do not tell that bad just because they were not even criminals, but boys disfrasado and delivered to the violensia, sex, alcohol and drugs, believing that their future existe.temiendo not repeat that image because after that came the avalanche of insults and degradations was everywhere Creio conosido a''jet''and then went out of my room because it scared me, the impectores? teachers? the hell if putadas shouted as loud and did nothing but complain never punished, that school is for students, not teachers or impectores because they do not make the rules.
the person you hate is my mom brought me to this world, pa 'I live but I can not even live on my own but that it mandates, the if I could I can not hear his voice because it gives me a headache is like a crow I want to shut down for good and not feel it coming more. esque get home just so I chord.
when I said the issue back maricon fearing a repeat of what I thought a moment that he walked away and then I go to heck that is what I like proque maybe take someone with that hate and destroy my life, which does not rather than to make up, but as I have positive proof not pass the bastard hate to start the action as I do because I'm bored. and that's how it hit the boy that which is very good at other people because then you golpera alienated deque came over to me the player of friends but I still continue to stick it nomas, got a tall and others stopped camoteo, sucrose nde me room and I asked why all that which was the problem? Is''I'm angry, of life, I want to go the colegio''-permanent thing I think whenever I get, I'm going or I'm at. because what they have taught me not want what I want is death pick me up soon, which does not happen, then bring my teacher made another boy and asks for the lawsuit and says he does not know I had said back to that, I had said maricon he says it was not another guy who had told him and I stupid if that I am, I was mowing my past, Porua in all schools have treated me badly aye ecepcion of application where a course was accepted as me, or rather had to accept, then I apologize because I All I want is to die but that boy is not guilty of anything bad happening to me haci that did not deserve that outburst that taxes directed to another person who was and remains hijaeputa because I got to know and does not prove worth a drive.
then came back and all but because debian habalban scavengers after the stunt to send me, the good thing was that the boy knew that and I do not understand Judging from bad as you would a flaite what they believe are those who accompany me in this room , pa me that never to see someone pointing in the face or fuck up in life.

and then I went back to my anger at my chest that had pierced the resentment even though the explosion of anger, because the girl was still alive and will live until you die or kill (hopefully).
good and I leave you to think about what I do as something that's bad because no one should imponenle kill someone like death unless you are prompted as I have done with friends sercanos but fuck and take it to when I say''no seriously, I want you to kill me, you really like but haslo, porfavor''-''jaja''laughs and I do not take into account is still talking trash ...
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Green Color From Shave
Talking Shit. _.
I think sometimes people are not as ignorant as I think and I mean the educated people of the world, presidents, businessmen even richer sometimes shows his awkwardness and contradicts the image of example that gives people mistakenly believing it is not perfect like the rest of us normal people fairly normal because we do not have if not the pure name.
because it does not work and that of being conformist, but rather (edit) tailored to the others is the worst,
well I
I think sometimes people are not as ignorant as I think and I mean the educated people of the world, presidents, businessmen even richer sometimes shows his awkwardness and contradicts the image of example that gives people mistakenly believing it is not perfect like the rest of us normal people fairly normal because we do not have if not the pure name.
sometimes I think that and I say sometimes because after a while again talking nonsense as I do that I have nothing else to do, because what I say boring other people when it comes to politics, religion, society, law , rights But if that entertains carrion gross things can talk for hours without getting bored soccer you do not understand, for me it is nice when you play football with friends one for the hell wants to see a people not known TV people representing your country and yet most are out whenever he can? I do not understand but hey so is the world and always will because so far I see no intent to change. another stupid thing I find is that people who believe in the revolution of which they had no participation whatsoever, these people are a little older than me, because I say old, not an adult? or large? or anything else because for me it's not mature exciste the maturity is not more than a standard created by man, that if one does not meet the parameters deserts and centencian Judging from and how they judge? based on these STANDARDS and as sentencing? like me my world sentence also isolated, rejected, stigmatized and highlighting my shortcomings exist they created each time pueden.Pero these people is what I would call asshole because they carried away with stereotypes and as I said in another letter hidden in views that are not yours and therefore it is believed the death, not to conose or never seen, such as we have many, many, where to choose a host, but even in these young people accompanying me, guys my age who do not think much and if you forget to think the time or want to forget what they thought, so I think they think because if they are capacez to learn because silent? but who am I to get into the minds of others, hardly what I think and I understand what others think
going to another topic I was in religion class and ask for religious concept that Porga me to say''Templar! Holy Inquisition! Legacy of the Pope! Warrior Saints!''to tell me something the teacher does not fish much but the girl that if one side was boring because I'm not trust those people because life has treated so badly that he lost hope and todabia did not get it, of those people who never felt love for his mother but not even like lightning then appear and go so fast that neither could feel but you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was or think it was as I never remember I have felt.
I was throwing the girl talk and acknowledged that they eat some of my concept''and so to wonder where you learned your''no eso''-grabbing''the gil is looking to the side because they never interogasiones have liked me, because as a child my mom and increasingly questioned as I do not do anything without them knowing because I questioned the toad and if one remains silent -''Off with his head!''as he says sometimes joke, this is getting good well girl I fell bad but not take him dearly as I do with my friends a love quotes, this girl has started questioning me and I say because I am sincerely campaign (do not ask why) I answer and see who knows something very little about it but just Templars and also he is half vegetarian, I'm thinking very closed, with the Koreans learned that one should never leave anything half done, I mean it is black and white or if not better than is nothing

well I
I was in theme and topic, and forget the beginning, as it is too late for me that I have trouble sleeping until I leave here and tell you tomorrow''''as the film says that shit.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Women's Breast Feeding Man
are copies, are copies of people, influences of people who learned what we no. to learn to live who are happy and we hid behind ellos.Tratamos to follow their example when in fact we should do we let our own ways influenced by opinions that poison toxic. including me of course I am unhappy is more suffer at every turn even if they seem.

12dpo Small Blood Tinge In Mucous
and because it came forward in Chile? by our president then that is a clown but as an entrepreneur is not stupid, just do it!, the government knew what was gonna happen then and not say anything until it happened, ubieron several who tried to warn the guy on facebook who published a day earlier. What bothers me now is that so much emphasis is given to the subject that the only thing to come out in the newspapers is relevant to it as if the other problems of the world disappear, no more tragedy or anything more destructive than that of Japan which is across the world, they already know what the repair cost will already know that there are plans to implement because they are more developed a country longggg we a country that is thousands of years of history, we had but it was destroyed by the English and even the Chileans themselves, because in my school taught me that when the English arrived territories wanted Expandi kindly, and they did not want to hurt anybody , These are the words of my teacher but not stupid but ignorant of some issues and still not know which is best left as ignorant as I correct just saw a story of a boy to kick his wife in the street, I'm surprised that people do not do anything about issues of economic, labor, discrimination, abuse, until it is collapsed when it comes to stop and have that bajar.ejemplo sympathy to the police who is the same every time but if before the news came out of recliminacion or abuse each year now runs every month fashion that this record and comment as scourges as happens then wonder why nobody does anything when they themselves watching it do nothing, who fear the force cops who are two and screaming around them as 10 or even shouting argument but ; stupid obvious that the people go Oviedo.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Lotion On Frostbite Cheeks
stolen bikes store muddy flow
Good afternoon, some already know, many others still not sure. Last week Mondraker stole my test I had a Foxy, that of the next picture:
The issue is that I was coming by the store a man about 40 years, 1.70, hair brown and about 90 kg, were always in blue overalls work and told me that was Sant Celoni, knew the area and a corridor here, spoke in Catalan, came 3 days, the first told me the following Saturday his wife would not come! the second came to tell me that he could not come through this and that ... was Foxy interested in and that was when I said the first day I had the test, came a third day to try and not had it in the store, the next day to try it again in theory was behind the store to see that such, my mistake not to ask him ....
appreciate any information, and of course if someone brings me the bike will be a nice touch from bikes Cardedeu flow. Thanks
bikes Cardedeu
Good afternoon, some already know, many others still not sure. Last week Mondraker stole my test I had a Foxy, that of the next picture:
The issue is that I was coming by the store a man about 40 years, 1.70, hair brown and about 90 kg, were always in blue overalls work and told me that was Sant Celoni, knew the area and a corridor here, spoke in Catalan, came 3 days, the first told me the following Saturday his wife would not come! the second came to tell me that he could not come through this and that ... was Foxy interested in and that was when I said the first day I had the test, came a third day to try and not had it in the store, the next day to try it again in theory was behind the store to see that such, my mistake not to ask him ....
appreciate any information, and of course if someone brings me the bike will be a nice touch from bikes Cardedeu flow. Thanks
bikes Cardedeu
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Chrysler Dvd Changer Repair
Rest on 5 March, Carnival Week and White
On 5 March hacemos not for lack of exit monitors, y tambien Because many are on vacation weekend white or carnivals.
warmly, Ovid
On 5 March hacemos not for lack of exit monitors, y tambien Because many are on vacation weekend white or carnivals.
warmly, Ovid
Friday, March 4, 2011
Sore Throat After Drinking Larger
Thinking about the future and that which I do .. until recently
marzoestaba Friday 4 of thinking recently on something I'd like to share with you, I was thinking it would be when large professional sphere, this is why I am writing a summary of my life history class (my school, high school, this year's LCS) and before the date of the February 4, 2011 I had not thought anything about or interested abia me now I have a whole confusion .
indesiso'm studying medicine, philosophy and languages, social communicator, or devote to wander aimlessly through life
marzoestaba Friday 4 of thinking recently on something I'd like to share with you, I was thinking it would be when large professional sphere, this is why I am writing a summary of my life history class (my school, high school, this year's LCS) and before the date of the February 4, 2011 I had not thought anything about or interested abia me now I have a whole confusion .
indesiso'm studying medicine, philosophy and languages, social communicator, or devote to wander aimlessly through life
Beautiful Agony Man Free
In The Micro
sometimes I wonder why I got lucky I came to fall into a lost generation of debauchery, violence and living standards of most erronios I've seen in my life. One was, that if it is positive and is rich in knowledge, were considered extreme stupidity like the holy inquisición.aun so I wonder why youth is so liberal some warrant to the generation of parents who want to give children everything they never had the shit! that's a stupid comment and thought! , As justified in such barbarism. (Not that I myself entedi last)
wanted to talk about this on my arrival in the new high school to enter, and my recent fresh look stupid youth, was on the micro Young looking (women, rather corijo girls) ivan makeup till you drop and looked at other guys, talking about things I'd rather skip, boys do not even know where they go and seek be those who are not all this due to urban tribes,
reggaeton, while a mode of expression, but expression of who? of a country, but rather a neighborhood or neighborhoods in a violent country, this mostly young, who unfortunately are becoming more, are from a very violent reality, okay no one says you can not talk drug trafficking, your life, your death and others, but after that spent years ayan and silver Lined're still talking about it now is ridiculous.
Unfortunately this is reflected every day in Santiago and more and more young people for wanting to belong to some kind of social circle, choose one that they believe will give them status, beginning in vandalism, creating more and more young offenders, if you look to carefully you will realize that everything they do these kids from listening to songs. Example
people I saw today represented by its exponents at the time I got to know
sometimes I wonder why I got lucky I came to fall into a lost generation of debauchery, violence and living standards of most erronios I've seen in my life. One was, that if it is positive and is rich in knowledge, were considered extreme stupidity like the holy inquisición.aun so I wonder why youth is so liberal some warrant to the generation of parents who want to give children everything they never had the shit! that's a stupid comment and thought! , As justified in such barbarism. (Not that I myself entedi last)
wanted to talk about this on my arrival in the new high school to enter, and my recent fresh look stupid youth, was on the micro Young looking (women, rather corijo girls) ivan makeup till you drop and looked at other guys, talking about things I'd rather skip, boys do not even know where they go and seek be those who are not all this due to urban tribes,
reggaeton, while a mode of expression, but expression of who? of a country, but rather a neighborhood or neighborhoods in a violent country, this mostly young, who unfortunately are becoming more, are from a very violent reality, okay no one says you can not talk drug trafficking, your life, your death and others, but after that spent years ayan and silver Lined're still talking about it now is ridiculous.
Unfortunately this is reflected every day in Santiago and more and more young people for wanting to belong to some kind of social circle, choose one that they believe will give them status, beginning in vandalism, creating more and more young offenders, if you look to carefully you will realize that everything they do these kids from listening to songs. Example
people I saw today represented by its exponents at the time I got to know
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Shame to see that your children were not? That is the poison of my generation |
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thought ; offender was known by my former college banditry, if I knew that age banditry and ivan to school to waste time because they were bored. |
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Cytherea Red Snakeblack
Chapter 1: The mirror without reflection
I have never been tried, done , Thought or to justify the echo to be delincuente.creo that's all due to my attitude, when you get to high school in implementing the 2007, comes with the idea that it would be different than my other school and , so it was very different. There were people of different tastes, all very diverse in their thinking and acting, I already at that time did not generate any expectation on my no get happy just to please my parents I got there and were proud me. When you enter my room I was sitting in front near the chalkboard, close to the teacher, like my parents told me, spend time waiting boring classes began, I went one time after a half hour for take a breath and rang the bell, began classes riiiiiiing-sat-
hear what the teachers said and nothing more then a child before the teacher started the class in which he sat , to me, "he extended his hand and said hello I wanted to be my first friend in this school? - I ignore, looked at me weird and I talked for a while but after spending some time left and when I had 2 new friends who were the two closest, in that as I spoke I converse classes bored me with them but they spoke of topics for me were not as attractive diria''I''bit, talking about football, card games, from which they had seen on TV and how everyone was talking about then the second recess when the first time anybody hacia.con I got used to the 3 people behind me and beside , Talked to them about the issues proposed, I proposed many were not interesting to them, and kill the time for 3 weeks I think or were two? and I do not remember, but good to spend that time before expiry of a month appeared men Dresses scout who came to school to talk about the scout group belonging to the school, described him in a way that and seemed interesting, and as I was given the opportunity of this to my parents, I came out not because he had no friends except for 1 out of school, I liked the idea, would have to go on Saturday afternoon and lasted until 7, I said yes, and went as he desired, when the day , a strange girl (19 years I think I had) took me to the nearby square where the others were at Concha y Toro, ahy the girl had several groups that wanted to go I wonder where I told him I did not know entnces wonder if I had a friend who was there, I pointed to a blond boy white skin, and I said that and went to his group, I'm staring I do not know, or even view. I remembered that was in my class but had never exchanged a glance or a word with the man, "I say pueslo man is considered as a grown man, I remember that day as a day that I had fun, ISIM games, ran and later we were assigned to patrol troops and then, I was assigned to a patrol that was the same as I later learned that Brian was his nombre.asi was started in Scouting as a place that my peers is one of many havens for a child like me, but as I learned all paradise is hell combierte in one day, as the light of a candle going out once consummated its lifetime.
My patrol was known to be of the most Extrabagantes would tell me, my soul with experiences regosijaba never had before, I had friends at school before but none ever wanted to invite me home, i was never a birthday of a classmate, has to wait if i was in a boy who was like a light in the shadows but estubo less than half a year, was new and how you got left the overnight did not know more than el.como ive never said no one invited me to a birthday party and I felt sad because we all came talking Birthday Pedrito, or jose maria. A I did not say anything because they never knew that nobody ever invited me, even so do not hate me and I felt I think, or at least so I recall or remember, my father always spoke of the adventures, naughty child, how well he spent playing on the hill or going anywhere with your friends, I did not have that and thought it was beginning to have. after so many years.
in college I began to hang out with the one I thought was my friend, he did not like me to follow him I did not like any of the other children and I care, just he was my friend and as was the only aprovechava as much as I could, so he was going the time between laughter and the occasional fight ridiculous.
comosi in due course a number of colleagues but it was the same for everyone talked about how ridiculous, talking about issues but not displease me, did not generate more interest in me, nor was it for me Nice to hear it, all this I remembered that my head teacher an excellent teacher who will not say his name because we could of each month so we all knew each other better, and I like myself antisocial in each group denied any mistress than the of the boys earlier this year with which I acortumbre in the absence of my friend, or just named it after a while
began brian to a bit of interest demoztrar something that I was so their conversations going on could be anything but boring, at least at that time mi.Fue juste me with my friend we started to peel as they say, whom they made SURVEY was more maricon, talked among themselves and told us we went to bed and kisses and other things bamamos ridiculous to me a damn blind eye asia me because nobody said it in my face. Brian
instead got angry and wanted to give a beating to fucking say something, on one occasion I remember we went back to the courtroom after the recess and a colleague said something that I remember well, I think it was something that nostomaramos anbamos the right hand and we were fags, when someone says such things in the face esporque and you lost the respect and as you put it in place I then went to where he was the tranquility of sudden change a violent attitude, I put the arm around his neck making his conformed to the wall and told him again not to say or he was gonna get the conchadesumadre. he was with 2 guys but what 3 was much higher than I yet fail isieron nothing but silence, brian stare and then move away a bit and enter the room was happy and started talking about the past as if a fucking ovation, cheering as I hate, but as was the grace to take it.
eso iso que no nos molestaran por un tiempo luego comenzaron otra vez el martirio pero nada directo hubieron muchas cosas que ise con este amigo , todas diveridas tanto las malas como las buenas recuerdo que una vez hasta nos mandaron a limpiar los baños y casi nos hechan. por lo menos ubiera disfrutado si era asi.
Retomando mi vida como scout que era paralela a esta , solo se conectaba a travez el brian y patito que era mi sub guía, con el me comenze a juntar yo y el brian, luego todos los recreos ivamos a su curso porque nos isimos amigos de ellos no de todos pero si el grupo de patito, asi fue como comenzaron a decir que en el recreo que nos besábamos o que teniamos relaciones a hidden and so nobody saw us, during recess, to take the life of scout should know about naracion, language and all that. I do not know as I have something messed up but I'll talk about it scout facts against facts at my school that stand each other.
ps: edited after I got tired of writing hurts my eyes xD-_-
I have never been tried, done , Thought or to justify the echo to be delincuente.creo that's all due to my attitude, when you get to high school in implementing the 2007, comes with the idea that it would be different than my other school and , so it was very different. There were people of different tastes, all very diverse in their thinking and acting, I already at that time did not generate any expectation on my no get happy just to please my parents I got there and were proud me. When you enter my room I was sitting in front near the chalkboard, close to the teacher, like my parents told me, spend time waiting boring classes began, I went one time after a half hour for take a breath and rang the bell, began classes riiiiiiing-sat-
hear what the teachers said and nothing more then a child before the teacher started the class in which he sat , to me, "he extended his hand and said hello I wanted to be my first friend in this school? - I ignore, looked at me weird and I talked for a while but after spending some time left and when I had 2 new friends who were the two closest, in that as I spoke I converse classes bored me with them but they spoke of topics for me were not as attractive diria''I''bit, talking about football, card games, from which they had seen on TV and how everyone was talking about then the second recess when the first time anybody hacia.con I got used to the 3 people behind me and beside , Talked to them about the issues proposed, I proposed many were not interesting to them, and kill the time for 3 weeks I think or were two? and I do not remember, but good to spend that time before expiry of a month appeared men Dresses scout who came to school to talk about the scout group belonging to the school, described him in a way that and seemed interesting, and as I was given the opportunity of this to my parents, I came out not because he had no friends except for 1 out of school, I liked the idea, would have to go on Saturday afternoon and lasted until 7, I said yes, and went as he desired, when the day , a strange girl (19 years I think I had) took me to the nearby square where the others were at Concha y Toro, ahy the girl had several groups that wanted to go I wonder where I told him I did not know entnces wonder if I had a friend who was there, I pointed to a blond boy white skin, and I said that and went to his group, I'm staring I do not know, or even view. I remembered that was in my class but had never exchanged a glance or a word with the man, "I say pueslo man is considered as a grown man, I remember that day as a day that I had fun, ISIM games, ran and later we were assigned to patrol troops and then, I was assigned to a patrol that was the same as I later learned that Brian was his nombre.asi was started in Scouting as a place that my peers is one of many havens for a child like me, but as I learned all paradise is hell combierte in one day, as the light of a candle going out once consummated its lifetime.
My patrol was known to be of the most Extrabagantes would tell me, my soul with experiences regosijaba never had before, I had friends at school before but none ever wanted to invite me home, i was never a birthday of a classmate, has to wait if i was in a boy who was like a light in the shadows but estubo less than half a year, was new and how you got left the overnight did not know more than el.como ive never said no one invited me to a birthday party and I felt sad because we all came talking Birthday Pedrito, or jose maria. A I did not say anything because they never knew that nobody ever invited me, even so do not hate me and I felt I think, or at least so I recall or remember, my father always spoke of the adventures, naughty child, how well he spent playing on the hill or going anywhere with your friends, I did not have that and thought it was beginning to have. after so many years.
in college I began to hang out with the one I thought was my friend, he did not like me to follow him I did not like any of the other children and I care, just he was my friend and as was the only aprovechava as much as I could, so he was going the time between laughter and the occasional fight ridiculous.
comosi in due course a number of colleagues but it was the same for everyone talked about how ridiculous, talking about issues but not displease me, did not generate more interest in me, nor was it for me Nice to hear it, all this I remembered that my head teacher an excellent teacher who will not say his name because we could of each month so we all knew each other better, and I like myself antisocial in each group denied any mistress than the of the boys earlier this year with which I acortumbre in the absence of my friend, or just named it after a while
began brian to a bit of interest demoztrar something that I was so their conversations going on could be anything but boring, at least at that time mi.Fue juste me with my friend we started to peel as they say, whom they made SURVEY was more maricon, talked among themselves and told us we went to bed and kisses and other things bamamos ridiculous to me a damn blind eye asia me because nobody said it in my face. Brian
instead got angry and wanted to give a beating to fucking say something, on one occasion I remember we went back to the courtroom after the recess and a colleague said something that I remember well, I think it was something that nostomaramos anbamos the right hand and we were fags, when someone says such things in the face esporque and you lost the respect and as you put it in place I then went to where he was the tranquility of sudden change a violent attitude, I put the arm around his neck making his conformed to the wall and told him again not to say or he was gonna get the conchadesumadre. he was with 2 guys but what 3 was much higher than I yet fail isieron nothing but silence, brian stare and then move away a bit and enter the room was happy and started talking about the past as if a fucking ovation, cheering as I hate, but as was the grace to take it.
eso iso que no nos molestaran por un tiempo luego comenzaron otra vez el martirio pero nada directo hubieron muchas cosas que ise con este amigo , todas diveridas tanto las malas como las buenas recuerdo que una vez hasta nos mandaron a limpiar los baños y casi nos hechan. por lo menos ubiera disfrutado si era asi.
Retomando mi vida como scout que era paralela a esta , solo se conectaba a travez el brian y patito que era mi sub guía, con el me comenze a juntar yo y el brian, luego todos los recreos ivamos a su curso porque nos isimos amigos de ellos no de todos pero si el grupo de patito, asi fue como comenzaron a decir que en el recreo que nos besábamos o que teniamos relaciones a hidden and so nobody saw us, during recess, to take the life of scout should know about naracion, language and all that. I do not know as I have something messed up but I'll talk about it scout facts against facts at my school that stand each other.
ps: edited after I got tired of writing hurts my eyes xD-_-
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