Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What Is The Standard Width Of A Hallway

Output VIII Safamistad "Holdouts Visigoths: the castle of Zorita de los Canes"

As every year when it Safamistad, prepare a route where you expect your participation to spend a morning enjoying the bikes and your company.

This year we invite you on May 28 at 9:00 in the courtyard of Holy Family School to take a trip to the Visigoths pockets found in the castle of Zorita de los Canes. To do this, we will go to Villarejo de Salbanes the A-3 (48 output) to take the M-222 Valdaracete direction and Brea de Tajo . In Brea de Tajo take the CM-404 direction Driebes and Mazurek, then take the CM-219 at the next junction towards Almoguera. to about 5.5 km from Almoguera we will take the CM-220 and finally to the Devi who will lead us to Zorita de los Canes.

In Zorita de los Canes visit the castle and take some snacks in the bar "The Ca

The origins of this strength are not entirely clear, pointing to the Muslim period the time is up, although most of the stones come from the nearby Recópolis, built by Leovigildo Visigothic city in honor of his Recaredo child. Among late twelfth and early thirteenth century, Ruy Díaz made this castle one of the strongest and most important of Castile, thanks to the reforms. After the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212), the Order of Calatrava become the seat of Commendation. The fortress began its slow decline, which was reached in 1556 when King Philip II sold the town and castle to Ruy Gómez de Silva, Duke of Pastrana.

The return trip will make for Yebra ( CM-2001) through the "Vegas Road" by the river Tajuña ( Fuentenovilla, Scope, Orusco of Tajuña Carabaña and Tielmes ) to get on the 14:00 pm to Madrid.

I hope.

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