Saturday, February 26, 2011
Policeand Milena Velba
Chico Cafe
I took this cafe when I was 10 years old and very rare as it sounds, I took it to sleep for years that I have trouble sleeping but very tired, and whatever it wants no more sleep achieving at least not in my room, as it was something that bothered me and still bothers me. I began to make coffee because I was interested in a damn what they said happened: not sleeping, they would travel as they say ipertinetico and restless. I thought "she wanted so I could stay awake with the difference that would be as a young man enjoying de plena salud. y no esa sensasion de cansancio-, muy por el contrario fue el resultado, luego de 2 dias tomando cafe sin efecto notable por mi, al tercero comenzo a darme sueño ,descubli que cada vez que lo consumia al rato podia descansar y dormir.sin problema alguno.asi continuo mi vida cotidiana normalmente hasta que hace un año escuche comentarios que afectaba el crecimiento , yo no pensaba en que solo mi estatura iba estar en peligro, sino que todo lo demas .olvidando y ignorando lo que habia aprendido de derarrollo , deje el cafe pensando que no habria problema. y como dije no lo hubo por lo menos no en un principio luego de unos dias volvi a sufrir por no poder consiliar el sueño , actualmente puedo pasar horas con mi mente en negro, en la oscuridad my room, thinking of nothing but when I look at the clock and noticed that they have been 1, 2 or sometimes up to 3 ½ hours still do not sleep, I send it all to hell and do anything to kill time reading books, drawing , think of pleasant and unpleasant memories, too, think stupid things. so kill the time until I start to feel tired but when I try to sleep the tired desaparese.me wonder if some day soon I can sleep normally. if anyone reads this and has a positive advice for me, I agradeseria before hand.

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