The Three Musketeers and D' Artagan.
There were in his brand new saddle, there were three united in their desire to travel the roads tirelessly, always curious to find a new route that takes them to a new place more beautiful than the last. On this occasion they were joined by a candidate to be part of that famous group of Bikers Safa.
There were in his brand new saddle, there were three united in their desire to travel the roads tirelessly, always curious to find a new route that takes them to a new place more beautiful than the last. On this occasion they were joined by a candidate to be part of that famous group of Bikers Safa.
As usual the meeting point was the SAFA, back in the highlands of Moratalaz. The group was formed gradually until it set in motion. The first steps it took for a few busy roads in good condition, Burgos road, was his name. So they came to this land of wine buried in caves back El Molar, strayed where Torrelaguna way to start a tortuous path of endless curves, in view of the poor Sierra Madrid, a beautiful landscape that little could look down but wanted to finish early. A pleasure to curves. The road continued, moving away from the beaten path, moving forward Guadalajara, leaving towns like the Sierra Valdepeñas for service tracks Canal de Isabel II, among pine trees, bumps and curves, a tortuous path that explained why the mounts were questioned by others more accustomed to dealing in these ways.
The road took them to the dam of El Vado , beautiful scenery, quiet immense potential starting point adventures on foot.
By the Majalrayo was a quiet passage with the peak of a witness Ocejon . Once there energies and replenished with the illusion of enjoying the journey began to consider variants of the way done, if you cross the port Quesera through the beech and Tejera Negra Riofrío , if you go to Retiendas , ..., imagination will take you through endless roads.
But the reality led them back to Madrid , this time through Tamajón and from here to Guadalajara where found a variant of the city which is already finished and they avoided entry on such a city. Since arriving in Madrid, the group was breaking up by the many paths that lead to so many corners of the big city. But he plotted to return soon to explore those paths.
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